From Melissa
I’m tired.
Tired of explaining why I look different. Tired of hiding my tremor to make other people more comfortable. Tired of hearing my friends tell me how they feel invisible. Tired of wondering how and when and where the next bullshit symptom or proof of progression will appear.
Im fighting back. Raising my voice and using it on anyone who will listen. In hopes that I can get a few others to make some noise with me.
In hopes that we can get someone to listen.
Parkinson’s Disease is the #2 most diagnosed neurodegenerative disease after Alzheimer’s. It’s progressive and currently without a cure. And it’s ugly. Nobody wants to look PD straight in the face if they don’t have to.
Please help put a more attractive face to Parkinson’s , one that will make people want to listen and engage. YOUR face. Even if you only talk to one person, or two, or whatever…the ripple effect of your effort WILL change things. You may not see it immediately but it’s out there, gaining momentum.
Be the change. That’s how change begins. With a voice and an idea and a small effect that snowballs- just like Parkinson’s.
#parkinsonslookslikeme and you, and all of us. And look how strong we are. Look how badass. We CAN change the world. We can change the narrative. We can fight.
#parkinsonslookslikeme II